Learning Objectives
Gain more experience understanding and correcting programming errors
Evidence Statements
Students will be able to read error messages for basic syntax errors
Students will be able to edit programs to eliminate basic syntax errors
Product Outcomes
Pens/pencils for the students, fresh whiteboard markers for teachers
Class poster (List of rules, language table, course calendar)
Language Table (see below)
Bug Hunting [Bugs.rkt from source-files.zip | WeScheme] file preloaded on students’ machines, as the front-most window.
Students are logged into WeScheme.org, OR have opened DrRacket.
- Debugging (finding and correcting problems in code) is an important part of programming, so it’s a good idea to practice finding bugs in code.
Open the Bug Hunting program in a new window, and see if you can find the bug in each expression. Click "Run" and read the error message carefully! After you fix each one, clicking Run will show you the error message for the next bug.
Make sure students understand that the goal is not to FIX the bugs, but rather just to find them.