- apply
use a given function on some inputs
- argument
the inputs to a function; the expressions for each argument follow the function name
- axis
A reference line, used to determine the position of a coordinate
- Boolean
a type of data with two values: true and false
- circle of evaluation
a 'sentence diagram' of the structure of a mathematical expression
- comments
messages in the code, generally ignored by the computer, to help people interacting with the code understand what it is doing
- compound inequality
an inequality that combines two simple inequalities using and or or
- conditional
a code expression made of questions and answers
- contract
a statement of the name, domain, and range of a function
- contract error
errors where the code makes sense, but uses a function with the wrong number or type of arguments
- coordinate
a number describing an object’s location
- coordinate pair
a set of numbers describing an object’s location on the coordinate plane
- coordinate plane
a grid formed by a pair of intersecting horizontal and vertical number lines
- data row
a structured piece of data in a dataset that typically reports all the information gathered about a given individual
- data type
a way of classifying values, such as: Number, String, Image, Boolean, or any user-defined data structure
- debug
to find and fix errors in one’s code
- define
to associate a descriptive name with a value
- definitions area
the left-most text box in the Editor where definitions for values and functions are written
- design recipe
a sequence of steps that helps people document, test, and write functions
- dimension
a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially height, length, or width. The dimensions of a computer screen, for example, are given as width x height.
- domain
the type or set of inputs that a function expects
- editor
software in which code can be written and evaluated
- equation
a mathematical description of the relationship between two variables or quantities, in which they are equal
- error message
information from the computer about errors in code
- evaluate
perform the computation in an expression, producing an answer
- example
shows the use of a function on specific inputs and the computation the function should perform on those inputs
- expression
a computation written in the rules of some language (such as arithmetic, code, or a Circle of Evaluation)
- face
the flat surfaces on the outside of a solid figure
- function
a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs, where each input is related to exactly one output
- function definition
code that names a function, lists its variables, and states the expression to compute when the function is used
- function notation
a standard way to denote functions, beginning with a function name, such as f or gt, the variable(s) the function takes in, such as x or size, and a definition of what the function does using a formula in terms of the variable. For example, f(x) = x + 1 takes in a number and adds 1.
- graph
a diagram (such as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of another variable.
- hypotenuse
the side opposite the 90-degree angle in a right triangle
- image
a type of data for pictures
- inequality
a mathematical description of the relationship between two variables or quantities, in which they are not necessarily equal
- interactions area
the right-most text box in the Editor, where expressions are entered to be evaluated
- intersection
the set of values that makes both inequalities true
- line
an infinite collection of points forming a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions
- linear relationship
sequences that change at a constant rate, or points forming a straight line on a graph
- name
how we refer to a function or value defined in a language (examples: +, *, star, circle)
- operator
a symbol that manipulates two Numbers and produces a result
- origin
the point (0,0) where the horizontal and vertical axes intersect
- piecewise function
a function that computes different expressions based on its input
- purpose statement
a concise, detailed description of what a function does with its inputs
- Pythagorean Theorem
the relationship between the squares of the sides of a right triangle; can be used to find diagonal distances on the coordinate plane
- range
the type or set of outputs that a function produces
- ratio
the relative sizes of two or more values
- rectangular prism
a solid figure which has 6 faces, all of which are rectangular
- scale
resize an image to be larger or smaller while maintaining ratios and proportions
- slope
the steepness of a straight line on a graph
- solution set
the set of all values or coordinate pairs that will make an equation, inequality, set of equations or set of inequalities true
- string
a data type for any sequence of characters between quotation marks (examples: "hello", "42", "this is a string!")
- substitute
replace a variable with a value or expression and evaluate or simplify the resulting expression
- surface area
the sum of the areas of all of the faces of a solid figure (polyhedron) or the total area that the surface of the object occupies
- syntax error
errors where the computer cannot make sense of the code (e.g. - missing commas, missing parentheses, unclosed strings)
- table
a data structure that stores data as rows, with entries in particular columns
- union
the set of values that makes either or both of a set of inequalities true
- value
a specific piece of data, like 5 or "hello"
- variable
a name or symbol that stands for some value or expression, often a value or expression that changes
- vertical line test
a strategy for determining whether or not a graph represents a function by confirming that no vertical line can be drawn to reveal that an x-value corresponds to more than one y-value
- x-axis
axis on a coordinate plane that runs from left to right
- y-axis
number line on a coordinate plane that runs from bottom to top, indicating values in that direction
- y-intercept
the point where a line or curve crosses the y-axis of a graph