

We provide all of the our materials free of charge, to anyone who is interested in using our lesson plans or student workbooks. We work hard to provide a "curriculum-in-a-box" experience, but a curriculum based on 20 years’ research has a lot of moving parts! Spend some time with our master trainers, and take your game to the next level by attending a Bootstrap workshop!

And of course, all of our courses are aligned to National and State Standards - including NGSS, Common Core, CSTA, K12-CS, and more!


Training is just the beginning. It's the night before class, and you have a question - where do you turn? Hundreds of Bootstrap teachers across the globe are part of our discussion forum, and provide thoughtul answers about content, pedagogy and curriculum. Teachers can also search the forum for similar questions, and learn from previous conversations. Our own staff monitors the forum 24x7, and we guarantee a response with 24 hours.

For our district partners, we offer follow-up site visits and even regular, videoconferencing office hours. Contact us to learn more, or to set up a partnership with your district.


Bootstrap uses WeScheme and Pyret, cloud-based IDEs that require no downloading or installation. Anyone with a Gmail account can start coding, storing and retrieving files from the cloud. Bootstrap programs can be shared simply by sending out a link, or posting it to sites such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, etc.

No internet access? Bootstrap also supports DrRacket, a multi-platform graphical environment. DrRacket runs on all major platforms (Windows, OS X, Unix/Linux) and programs written for one platform run seamlessly on the others, supporting a wide variety of classroom and home computing scenarios. Its emphasis on beginner-friendly features and support for images makes it ideal for Bootstrap.


A tool designed for learning should be accessible to all students. We work hard to ensure that our software environments are compatible with screen-readers on popular operating systems, and are a Development Partner of the AccessCSforAll Alliance.

After Bootstrap

If you've completed the entire Bootstrap curriculum, you'll be happy to know that your class can move on to advanced material, without needing to learn a new language! Here are just a few of the options available to Bootstrap teachers:
  • CS111 is Brown University's new intro course on Data-Centric Computing. It starts from Bootstrap:Data Science and extends into a full semester computer science course that ends up in Python.
  • Picturing Programs focuses heavily on images and animation, as students explore recursion, lists, trees and algorithms -- all using the same language and Design Recipe they've learned in Bootstrap.
  • How to Design Programs is a textbook aimed at more college-level audiences, going beyond the material covered in Picturing Programs. HtDP is currently in its second edition, and the material is being actively updated.